Selform TAMISEMI 2023: Form five combination online application system – 2023 ( Selform System Tamisemi 2023) and selection forms created by The TAMISEMI Regional Administration and Local Government; the system enables Candidates to register (via 2023 register) and change their combinations.
For the first time candidates who sat for the 2018 Form Four national exams, were offered another opportunity to choose combinations of their choice before the government selects those eligible for Form Five studies. Therefore, since the year 2018, the Prime Minister’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (TAMISEMI) has been providing the chance for form four leavers to apply for various colleges and form five posts through the special online system known as SELFORM MIS – THE SELFORM SYSTEM 2023 – 2023
The Selform System enables students/applicants to apply for colleges, form five posts, change their combinations, and make changes to their hard copy selform version submitted by their schools. The system has been much helpful to form four leavers as they can now apply for government colleges for free and schools by simply login on to the system using their form four index numbers and requesting the new passwords.
The system has been designed to facilitate the right choices for the students, as the form four 2023 results are out, it’s expected that students will be applying for colleges, combinations, and schools of their choice with reference to their form four results and hence increases the probability of being selected or accepted by the colleges or schools.
The Selform System 2023 – Selform Mis – Form four selform 2023 – 2023
Student (Form Four Graduate) – His/her main role in The Selform system is to change some personal information like Home Address, Mobile Number, Email Address and options for schools, colleges and its specifications in other sections due to success in its results.
This page provides detailed guide on how to How to access, register and login and change combinations, selecting colleges and school choices on Tamisemi Selform System 2023, read the section below for details
How to access, register and login and change combinations, selecting colleges and school choices on Tamisemi Selform
How to register and login on Tamisemi Selform System 2website
To access and login on Tamisemi Selform 2023 make sure you have a device with an internet connection with a web browser installed (I recommend to use google chrome), When you are online, open your browser (chrome), type the following address will find a window to fill in your registration information as shown below. Click the Menu written for Candidates, click here to Register if are the first-time user.
Then, fill in your Index Number information, the index number should be in S0101.0020.2018 format, Answer the question you will be asked, Family Name, and Year of Birth as shown below.
Then a new window will be opened and you will be required to fill in the new Password that you will use all day. The following window will open;
Now you have successfully registered on the Tamisemi selform sytem 2023 and your new password has been created successfully, from there you will be required to logging in order to access your account. Once you have entered the Password, the system will appear as shown below to indicate that you have successfully changed your Password;
How to login on the Tamisemi selform sytem 2023 on www selform tamisemi go tz login
Once you have changed the Password, you will use it to login again by typing in the username example S0101.0002.2018 and the Password you changed.

Student Personal Information
Once logged into the system, the following window will open and only the surrounding areas will be able to change personal information. When you are done, click Save and Next below to proceed.
Student General Choices – selform tamisemi selection 2023

Click on this section to continue changing your options information.
Alternative Options
Click to enter this area to continue changing your Sector College Election Information. When you are done click SAVE & NEXT.
Form form Student combinations Detailed Choices – kubadili tahasusi 2023
Click on this area to continue changing your V V form school information and its specifications: NOTE– The student will only see Possible combinations with the school based on the results of the results with the aim of changing. When done click SAVE & NEXT or Save & Go Back.
Technical Education
Click on this area to continue changing your Technical and Specific Technical Choices information: NOTE – The student must have a PCM Specific pass in the results for changing this area. When done click SAVE & NEXT or Save & Go Back.
Health Education
Click to enter this area to continue changing your Health and Vocational Choice information options. When done click SAVE & NEXT or Save & Go Back.
Diploma Education
Click on this area to continue updating your Education and Vocational Choice information options. When done click SAVE & NEXT or Save & Go Back.
Other Colleges
Click on this area to continue changing your Alternative College and Specific Information options. When done click SAVE & NEXT or Save & Go Back.
To change form five combination in 2023 CLICK HERE
Read more about Tamisemi selform 2023
when the selection of form five and other college will release
Lini tulio maliza 2020 tutajisajili
Lini tulio maliza 2020 tutajisajili1
May you please upload the guidelines as soon as the government allows online changes of the selforms for 2021..Thank you.
Tulio maliza mwaka Jana tutanza kubadilisha lini
Ni tarehe ngap selform zitakua online ili tufanye mabadiliko??
Pia ningeomba Sikh hiyo waziri mwenye dhamana aitishe vyombo vya habari ili taarifa zitufikie kwa wepesi zaidi.ahsante
Can’t work if you have enter password and you forget
Good opportunity for students
Mbona mimi nikifika kwenye password inagoma
Msaad kea ambao tulishindwa kupata taarifa Joseph faraja masinde buhongwa secondary
How can we make transfer since we have been selected far regions