Kibaha Secondary School Description
Kibaha Secondary School (KSS) is a government owned school, under the management of Kibaha Education Centre. The school was founded in 1965 by a joint sponsorship of five countries. The Tanganyika Government on one hand and four Nordic Countries namely: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Kibaha Secondary School has established a strong reputation for academic excellence across the country and has consistently delivered the best outcomes for its students. Academically talented students are selected to join Kibaha Secondary School on the basis of their academic performance.
Kibaha Secondary School Admission info
Ordinary Level Subjects
- Agriculture
- Book Keeping
- Civics
- Geography
- Basic Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Commerce
- English Language
- History
- Kiswahili
- Physics
Advanced Level Combinations
Kibaha Secondary School Examination Results
- Kibaha Secondary School ACSEE results
- Kibaha Secondary School CSEE Results
Kibaha Secondary School Joining instructions
Download Joining instruction to find all the information and requirements a prospective student needs to become a fully admitted student at Kibaha Secondary School. Kibaha Secondary School Joining instructions for 2020 are available to you in downloadable (pdf), click Here to get your joining instruction
Kibaha Secondary School Details Contacts
- Address: Kibaha Cost Region P.O.BOX 23542 Kibaha
Location: kibaha
- Kibaha Secondary School
P.O.Box 30053 Kibaha
Fax : +2222
Phone : +255 23 2402143, 0752 453 639
Email :
Website :
Kibaha Education Centre
Kibaha Education Centre is a multipurpose Educational Institution situated in Coast Region 40 kilometers (24 miles) West of Dar es Salaam along Morogoro Road. The Centre was started in 1963, sponsored by the five countries – the then Tanganyika Government on one hand and the Government of the four Nordic Countries on the other i.e. Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The Centre was known as the “Nordic Tanganyika Project” until 1970 when the four Nordic Countries handed over to Tanzanian Government. The Nordic Tanganyika Project then became “Kibaha Education Centre” (KEC) as per Public Corporation Act, No. 17 1969 as revised by Public Corporation Act, CAP 257 R.E 2002. The main objective for this project was to fight against three development enemies namely Ignorance, Diseases and Poverty, these objectives are still fulfilled to date.
In the past 54 years since its establishment, Kibaha Education Centre has undergone a lot of transformation that keeps the Centre to perform perfectly and cope up with the world transformation in terms of technology and social economic needs.
In fighting against diseases the Centre has continued to provide health services to the Public through Tumbi Regional Designated Referral Hospital, victims of road accidents have been receiving proper attention and lives of many patients have been served due to the efforts done by health practitioners of this hospital.
Hospital Management Information System GOT- HOMIS which is now managed by PO-RALG was built at Kibaha Education Centre where by this System is used to collect revenue in almost all Regional and District Hospitals in Tanzania.
Apart from that, Doctors from Tumbi Hospital have been providing training to Intern Doctors from University of Dodoma, Kariuki Memorial Hospital, St John University and Kampala International University.
Kibaha College of Health and Allied Sciences (KCOHAS) has continued to provide training to Medical Doctors , Nurses and Laboratory technicians all at Diploma level and therefore contributing a lot in enhancing health sector in Tanzania.
In the fight against the enemy poverty Kibaha Folk Development College (KFDC) has been providing long and short term vocational training courses. Youth and neighboring communities have received entrepreneurship skills and outreach programmes which have enabled them to be self reliant and cope with their day to day activities.
In the fight against ignorance Kibaha Education Centre has been providing Pre- Primary, Primary and Secondary Education to Students. This has been possible through the available Education infrastructures which include Tumbi Pre – School, Tumbi Primary School, Kibaha Secondary School, Kibaha Girls Secondary School and Tumbi Secondary School. The Kibaha Public Library has enabled Students and the nearby communities to enrich their knowledge.