Job Description
Purpose: To provide capacity building to IMPACT teams in Tanzania mainland for improved data use and supply chain performance Provider(s): 2 advisors – TBD
Period of Performance: March 2023 to June 2023 (42days)
Place of Performance: Various location Tanzania Mainland
The Global Health Supply Chain – Technical Assistance – Tanzania (GHSC-TA-TZ) project provides Tanzania with specialized technical assistance (TA) to strengthen the country’s supply chain systems in all areas of health, such as malaria, family planning (FP), HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH). In coordination with in-country and development partners, the GHSC-TA-TZ supports the Government of Tanzania’s health programs and stakeholders through technical assistance in four areas/objectives. The project aims to support the development of flexible, robust, and sustainable health supply chains that contribute to improving the availability of medicines and ultimately the health status of the Tanzanian population. The activities implemented by GHSC-TA-TZ are structured into different objectives and interventions, such as supporting strategic planning and implementation, improving the delivery of health commodities at service delivery sites, increasing stakeholder understanding and commitment to the supply chain system, and strengthening the enabling environment to improve supply chain performance.
Under the third objective, the project is supporting the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) to implement the Information Mobilized for Performance Analysis and Continuous Transformation (IMPACT) approach to institutionalize the use of supply chain data and data quality at all levels of the supply chain: national, regional, council, and health facilities, including regional referral hospitals in mainland Tanzania. The project, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and PORALG, has so far conducted IMPACT trainings in 25 regions in mainland Tanzania and 16 regional referral hospitals.
Purpose: To provide capacity building to IMPACT teams in Tanzania mainland for improved data use and supply chain performance
Capacity building of stakeholders is a core component of interventions to improve the use of health supply chain data by IMPACT teams at all levels. To strengthen and ensure effective implementation of the IMPACT approach in the country, trained IMPACT teams need to be followed up to monitor implementation progress and technical assistance. Also need to engage other stakeholders through meetings to align and support supply chain activities by IMPACT teams in the regions and councils. And finally, IMPACT team members should be empowered, improve their competence in extracting health supply chain data from various electronic systems including e-LMIS, DHIS 2, AFYA CARE, GOtHOMIS, PMD and NHIF Portal through data processing, analysis and interpretation for informed supply chain decision making. Therefore, the contractor, in collaboration with the GHSC TA-TZ, is expected to work with key government stakeholders, including MOH and PORALG to facilitate the implementation of the IMPACT approach and capacity building for improved supply chain in the country.
The contractor for this work will be responsible for:
- Review and update operational documents
- Technical assistance to established IMPACT Teams
- Support National level IMPACT Team Coordination Meeting
- Documentation of IMPACT best practices for a selected team.
- Review and update the operational manual and Training Materials.
- Monitor the progress of established IMPACT teams and provide coaching and capacity building for the identified gaps during implementation.
- Technical assistance to stakeholders’ meetings in the regions which implement IMPACT approach to stir up stakeholders’ engagement and support to IMPACT teams for improved data use and supply chain performance.
- A) Document lessons learnt, best practices and success stories in course of implementation
The scope will be implemented as per schedule shown in the chart below:
- Draft of IMPACT operational Manual
- Technical reports from Monitored IMPACT Teams
- Technical reports from Regional Stakeholders Meetings in Selected Locations A) Technical reports from National IMPACT teams
5) IMPACT best Practices Documentation and Technical Report
If you are interested in applying this position please send your resume, cover letter to before 2A,h February, 2023.