Arusha Girls High School Description
Arusha Girls Secondary School is located in Olasiti Ward, Arusha Council . Arusha Girls Secondary School is a girls school . Despite the effort in teaching, Arusha Girls Secondary School is still considered as red school
Arusha Girls High School Admission info
Arusha Girls High School Examination Results
Check National Examination Council of Tanzania examination results details for Arusha Girls High School for both ACSEE and CSEE, kindly use the links Listed Below to check NECTA Results Updates at Arusha Girls High School
- Arusha Girls High School ACSEE results
- Arusha Girls High School CSEE Results
Arusha Girls High School Joining instructions
Download Joining instruction to find all the information and requirements a prospective student needs to become a fully admitted student at Arusha Girls High School. Arusha Girls High School Joining instructions for 2020 are available to you in downloadable (pdf),
- Arusha Girls High School Joining Instruction For form one students [ 2020]
- Arusha Girls High School joining Instruction for Five students [ 2020]
Arusha Girls High School Contacts
For more information please see the school contacts below.
Phone : 0784258018 / 0769121516 / 0784137840 / 0755 845604
School ownership: Government
Necta School ID : S5260