Ifunda Technical Secondary School Description
IFUNDA Technical High School is a multicultural, diverse and comprehensive high school that delivers first-class academic and trade technology education in the country. The school serves both levels ordinary for technical subjects and Advance for science combinations. Ifunda Technical Secondary School have professional learning community supported by highly qualified teachers. School aims to produce good citizen who will fit in all development level such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, all students receive a relevant integrated education connecting science, technology, engineering and math to every area of learning as it pertains to each curriculum in all career clusters
Ifunda Technical Secondary School Admission info
Ifunda Technical Secondary School is boys school and it is doing well in Biology, English language and Kiswahili than all subjects. Despite the effort in teaching, Ifunda Technical Secondary School is still considered as yellow school
Ordinary Level Subjects
- Basic Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English Language
- Kiswahili
- Additional Maths
Advanced Level Combinations
Ifunda Technical Secondary School Examination Results
- Ifunda Technical Secondary School ACSEE results
- 2019
- 2019
- 2017
- 2016
- Ifunda Technical Secondary School CSEE Results
- 2019
- 2019
- 2017
- 2016
Ifunda Technical Secondary School Joining instructions
Download Joining instruction to find all the information and requirements a prospective student needs to become a fully admitted student at Ifunda Technical Secondary School. Ifunda Technical Secondary School Joining instructions for 2020 are available to you in downloadable (pdf), click Here to get your joining instruction
Ifunda Technical Secondary School Details Contacts
Ifunda Technical Secondary School
Box 11 Ifunda
Iringa (V)
Telepone: 0767594689
good school