Iyunga Technical Secondary School Description
Iyunga Technical Secondary School is located at Mbeya. Iyunga Technical Secondary School is boys school and it is doing well in Biology, Geography and English language than all subjects. Despite the effort in teaching, Iyunga Technical Secondary School is still considered as yellow school
Iyunga Technical Secondary School Admission info
Iyunga Technical Secondary School Examination Results
- Iyunga Technical Secondary School ACSEE results
- Iyunga Technical Secondary School CSEE Results
Iyunga Technical Secondary School Joining instructions
Download Joining instruction to find all the information and requirements a prospective student needs to become a fully admitted student at Iyunga Technical Secondary School. Iyunga Technical Secondary School Joining instructions for 2020 are available to you in downloadable (pdf), click Here to get your joining instruction
Iyunga Technical Secondary School Details Contacts
- P. O bOx 701
MBEYA - Head master: 0754048835
Second Master 0757612107
Email: iyungasecondary@gmail.com
Website: www.iyungatechnicalschool.sc.tz