About Dar Es Salaam Maritime Institute
Dar Es Salaam Maritime Institute (DMI) was established by Act of Parliament No. 22 of 1991 to cater to the greater needs of the Shipping Industry in the region. The Institute (DMI) originated from what was known as Dar Es Salaam Maritime Training Unit (DMTU), which was established on the 3rd July 1978 as a training wing of Tanzania Coastal Shipping Line (TACOSHILI) to fulfill the need of well-trained seafarers.
DMI is the Centre of Excellence in Maritime Education and Training in the East African region. The center has qualified Personnel and provides quality education that suits market needs in the aspect of being employed and self-employed in the maritime industry. DMI offers programs accredited by NACTE (NTA Level 4-8), SUMATRA (Certificate of Competency-CoC), CILT (Logistics & Transport), and ABMA (Shipping and Logistics).
Dar Es Salaam Maritime Institute (DMI) admissions – Dar Es Salaam Maritime Institute (DMI) news
For more details, you can visit the Dar Es Salaam Maritime Institute Website Here https://www.dmi.ac.tz/